"Digitale Bibliothek", Metadaten und Vokabularien

PREMIS - PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies
Angela Di Iorio

Zuletzt geändert: 2011-12-14


The workshop will present the PREMIS Data Dictionary, core metadata for digital preservation. It covers the PREMIS data model, the individual semantic units in the Data Dictionary, implementation approaches, and the use of PREMIS with METS. The PREMIS Data Dictionary is based on a data model for organizing preservation metadata, provides guidance for local implementations and is becoming the standard for exchanging information packages between repositories. The PREMIS Data model defines five types of entities and the relationships between them: Intellectual entities, Objects, Events, Rights, Agents. The workshop also addresses the PREMIS developments, its relationships to the OAIS Reference Model, and the evolution of PREMIS Data Dictionary. The PREMIS metadata standard is technically neutral, consequently its own application is feasible in a wide variety of contexts. The workshop  will show practical examples, and will analyze different implementation for specific functions like managing, storing, preserving, and exchanging. http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/



Link zur Library of Congress Homepage mit den Folien des Grazer Workshops:

http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/tutorials.html (Graz Digitale Bibliothek Tutorial, November 2011)

Angela Di Iorio